
January 2022

Thank you to our advertisers, readers, and supporters for the past years.  Due to changing trends and circumstances, Ukeedaze will no longer be producing hard copy or online magazines. It was a pleasure providing this service and working with you. Best wishes to you all and peace out.

June 2021

3.000 hard copies of the Summer 2021 Ukeedaze magazines are now circulating in Ucluelet, Tofino and surrounding areas. We will continue to distribute these until they are all out. If you are unable to obtain a hard copy, you can view the online version on the Magazines tab.

January 2021

We are very excited to announce that we will be releasing a summer issue this year. We are printing 3,000 copies to be distributed in Ucluelet, Tofino and Port Alberni. For our price list, click here or navigate to our advertise page.

March 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the decision to publish our summer 2020 issue online only. We felt that printing 3,500 hard copies is not the most responsible course of action at this time since doing so would mean we would traverse across the island making hundreds of stops at different businesses to distribute them. Moreover, many of the shops that we distribute printed magazines to have limited the amount of patrons or have temporarily or permanently closed due to the current protocols and circumstances. As a result, this entire issue is online only and includes ads, free of charge or by donation, from our last ad subscriber client list that have supported us throughout the years.

As the towns slowly begin to re-open, we encourage visitors to follow all government safety protocols and maintain safe physical distancing. If you feel sick, please stay home. We will be here to welcome you with open arms as soon as the health authorities deem it safe to do so.

This pandemic has been difficult for a lot of people and businesses. Financially, the West Coast has been hit hard. Tourism is a big part of this area, and with reduced numbers, it has taken a strain. Anything you can do to support local businesses on the coast helps. Even if you can’t make it here yet or unable to immediately travel due to protocols, we appreciate whatever you can do so your favourite restaurants, resorts, wellness clinics, tour guides, gift and surf shops, etc. are open when it is safe to return. Book next years accommodation, buy a gift card, order a product, make a donation to the local hatchery, anything helps right now.

For those that are unable to be here now, we will be here to host your vacation and getaway when this passes. In the meantime, enjoy our online publications and hopefully it helps you get your West Coast fix from wherever you are. We are monitoring the situation and will adapt accordingly as things change. Stay safe. ~ Ukeedaze, Summer 2020

Every magazine is printed in Canada using soy-based ink and forestry certified partially recycled paper. Ukeedaze produces quarterly printed magazines and distributes 3,000 copies of each issue all over Vancouver Island and lower mainland using a skateboard, by foot, and in an electric vehicle.